Pivoting with Papier-Mâché

Inspiration has been a bit static for me lately. A few weeks back I started researching paper mache, as I have not done this since my kids were all under the age of 6. Watching youtube videos and reels can make it seem so much easier than reality. I had some concerns with molding and using flour may attract animals. If you google paper mache you will undoubtedly come across Jonni Good, the expert of experts on the process and all things surrounding paper clay.

I purchased her book How to Make Tiny Paper Mache Dogs on my kindle and have been super busy since. The book is a gem, simple but all inclusive with everything you need to know. Jonni Good can be found on Ultimate Paper Mache and on Youtube

My very first attempt I sat in my teeny tiny room till late in the evening, feeling a bit like I was doing a 3rd grade art assignment. But I was just plain having fun. Lost in the complexity of building something from the ground up. (with very rough materials, rolled up tin foil, wire and masking tape.)

As the shape filled out, the form coming into its character, I really felt I was with Dexter, his spirit. Forming the shapes of his legs and skull, the muscles in his butt, he had the cutest butt. His image and personality in my thoughts and working its way out through my fingers.

It takes a bit of spirit, trust to start with a few pieces of wire and tape and expect a recognizable form to emerge after many layers of process. My second attempt I used a very thin flower wire, but it really couldn’t keep the form. I made a 3rd attempt with the stiffer wire and was starting to improve my tinfoil body shapes.

I have decided to use wood glue as my paste. It is extremely sturdy, dries rather quickly and shouldn’t attract hungry little animals ever. Applying the paper is a skill I need to practice, practice, practice. I am barely near the painting process. Only starting to plaster on my homemade gesso, (making my gesso with school glue and swedish wall spackel and acrylic white) but for the first time in while I am excited to see more of these sculptures come to life. Feels good to use my hands in a sculpting way again and just simply create. And have my furry buddy close.


Observing a Country at a Snails Pace


Giraffes on Wheels