

As I was tidying up my teeny tiny studio, which has been neglected over the past few months, and is soon to be the Momma Elf wrapping station room, I became distracted. It is 12:47 in the afternoon. First I started sorting out the pens from pencil tray and sorting markers to the respective bins. I then remembered that my pencil box from college was on the shelf, as it was shipped over in February. I just had to get that opened and include some of the stragglers.

My curiosity got me when I saw an F, honestly, I don’t remember using an F and I have one.

F is for fine, and is slightly harder than an HB.

H stands for hard.

B stands for blackness.

H and B and HB and 6B and 5H’s I know about. Well, I started sorting and when it was all sorted I ended up grouping all the B’s, then the HB’s separately anyway. All the little stubby ones I just gathered in a tin. Sure, a bit of a time waster but I did have fond memories filter through me as I recalled when and what I used them on in college. Now off to procrasti-snack, since I have procrasti-posted in the bag! It is 14:18. Do you do any procrasti-nating?


The Grey


Dreams needs a bigger ipad.