My Mismatching Commas

Soliloquy? ……. I definitely think out loud a lot, and, I am never with out Dexter so, theoretically, I am speaking to him? He never replies, but, honestly, I am really just talking to myself, right? The definition of soliloquy is speaking your thoughts out loud, when you are alone, but I am not alone if I am with Dexter. I was thinking of calling my blog, soliloquies. However, I don’t think it really rolls anywhere, except into confusion.

I am not a fan of the word blogging, probably because it just sounds like writing. Gives me images of sixth grade english and dreaded book reports. The Grammar Gene is not part of my operating system, and only gets worse as I get older.

My daughter says that I write like I am talking. On a positive note, she also says that it is more entertaining this way.

More than a decade ago I was a member in the good ol’ blogoshere and really enjoyed meeting other interesting writers, knitters, crafters, artists, bakers, and I could go on. I miss that. Today the internet is filled with fast moving photos and musical clips flying by that I can barely keep up with closest families posts let alone my other 2600 friends. I am not here to be criticized for my grammatical shortcomings, but rather, type out loud, maybe come up with some ideas and make new friends and keep in contact with old ones. I apologize in advance for all the missing and misplaced commas, wrong tenses, and just general mismatching.


Don’t Know How To Do This