Just Keep Swimming

I recently joined a gym, a different one than I had previously belonged to a year ago. This gym has group training classes, multiple pools and hot tubs, and a sauna. Saunas have never really appealed to me. Why would anyone want to sit in a hot room and sweat? I have the same feeling towards laying on a beach. However, there are health benefits to experiencing a sauna and I am trying to embrace them.

When I was a kid, I was on a swim team. If you find me at a beach I am in the water. I am not a kid anymore and not as familiar or skilled at swimming laps in a pool. But I joined a gym with a pool to give me a chance to do this again without the excuse that my gym doesn’t have a pool. I am trying to work my nerves up to get on that swim suit and dive into something that I have always loved.

Those days that it is hard to get out of bed to get to spin class, I mutter to myself, “I just have to get on the bike”, meaning, just getting to class and sitting on the bike is all I need to focus on at this moment. Just keep swimming, just keep going forward. Of course, once I am sitting on the bike, the reward is that you have gotten yourself this far, your energy kicks in and you pedal. I will “just keep swimming”, to get myself into that pool, eventually, too.


Sae Midori


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