It’s All About Hair Lately

Yesterday, it was Sunday and we were having some friends over for dinner. Our first guests in the house with out Dexter here. I couldn’t face company the weekend before and truth be told, it is still hard to be social right now. I made my bean dip and some artichoke squares. Then swept the floor and gathered all of Dexters hair and put it in a little baggy. I then vacuumed and took a shower. Dexter almost always came in the bathroom with me. He laid down with his back against the washer. He knew his place and I carefully stepped around him. Showers are good cause the running water can mask my tears, showers are bad because I always think of him.

During this particular shower I was particularly struck by the importance of hair lately. Being a woman in my fifties, menopause is changing the demographics of my hair line. I get reassured by the hair stylists that I have hair, I have the same amount of strands but each strand is getting thinner. Wish my waistline would follow that trend. I carefully monitor the drain and the comb after every shower, taking note of the volume of loss. I am now doing that with Dexter’s hair.

Finding his hair clumped in a corner, under the chair or even on my socks is going to be less and less as the days dwindle on without him. Holding his fluffly black strands is the last of him. Oh, I know his memories will last on, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah, but his big, black, furry, warm body is no more and it is still so painful. I will cherish my tumbleweeds of Dexter hair for as long as I can.



