Rebecca Cary-Anderson

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Gone Soft

I received the soft cover version of Have You Ever Met a Flat-coat? yesterday. Amazon doesn’t have the capability of printing hardcover books in Japan, at least at the time of writing this and printing these books. However, I went on and the hardcover book is available but being offered by some outside source. I feel badly they are probably raising the price over the already heavy price the book is.

I was torn, I really wanted this book to be a hardcover only choice, but it is expensive. It is heavier to ship so there is also an argument, albeit small, that softcover is softer on the environmental impact. Then there is the question to make the book digital all together. I struggle with that. So no, it will continue to be a paper book. I hope this makes it financially easier for those that are not purchasing due to price. I know we will cherish this book for ever, and it makes me cry now, having said good bye to Dexter just about a month ago.