One Star Is Better Than None
I need your help, I need your customer reviews.
When I buy something online, I often get a follow-up email for a review. Not only on Amazon, but business sites and other online shopping links. I rarely reply. I may reply, especially if a company went above and beyond, like one did when I received a broken product and they replaced it, quickly and were nice about it. If a product is just completely unacceptable, I will return it and think about writing a review, but often I don’t.
However, I read the reviews before purchasing, and they are valuable to my decision to purchase. In all honesty, I should leave more reviews since I utilize and appreciate reviews.
My books on Amazon are self published and only distributed on Amazon. If a book store were to order and sell them, you would be able to flip through them but unfortunately in my case you can’t. Leaving a review for a self published author is a HUGE help for the audience to get an unbiased understanding of what the book is about. As much as I have a hard time with criticism, I also know that that information is only going to make better art and books in the future.
My books are done with love, and careful consideration of the viewers experience, but all art is subjective. Leaving a (respectful) review is not only nice for the next customer but also for me.
I have one disclaimer and that is I do not have control on the materials. I can choose the best options they offer but after that, it is out of my control. Keeping that in mind, if a review states that the cover is flimsy or the paper is thin, I can sympethize but can only hope that Kindle Direct Publishing monitors those reviews and I can do my best to pass that along.
A good review is a thoughtful comment on the content of the book, did it bring forth any enjoyment, did it spark any memories, or craft any ideas? Did it meet your expections or maybe exceed them? A reminder, that you can always email me directly with any concerns about your book too. Dare I say that any amount of stars are better than zero stars!!